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This script can be used to visualize final assessment products as spatially smoothed and magnitude-thresholded maps.

Product specification

Assessment products to be visualized are read from specified Image Collection.

setting description
FINAL_PRODUCTS Image Collection with assessments by state

Visualization Parameters

The following parameters are used to add results to the Map panel as Layers:

parameter type default explanation
START_ASSESS int 2015 first year to add to map
END_ASSESS int 2021 last year to add to map
THRESHOLD int 2 condition score threshold
MIN_NOBS int 3 mask pixels with too few observations
OUTPUT_SCALE int 1000 output scale (multiplier)
MIN int -4 min score for visualization palette
MAX int 4 max score for visualization palette
PALETTE list ['red', 'orange', 'white', 'teal', 'darkblue'] list of colors for palette


Results are color-coded based on condition score value such that more negative changes in vegetation greenness are shown in redder tones and more positive changes are shown in cooler tones. Pixel transparency is set to scale with standard deviation such that pixels with greater uncertainty/disagreement in score estimates are shown with a greater transparency. Products for all years within the specified assessment range added to the Layers list, enabling inspection of results for both individual years and cumulative change.

Example of mapped results for a single year: Screen Shot 2022-01-24 at 12 49 29 PM