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Condition monitoring approach

Pasquarella, V. J., Bradley, B. A., & Woodcock, C. E. (2017). Near-real-time monitoring of insect defoliation using Landsat time series. Forests, 8(8), 275.

Pasquarella, V. J., Elkinton, J. S., & Bradley, B. A. (2018). Extensive gypsy moth defoliation in Southern New England characterized using Landsat satellite observations. Biological Invasions, 20(11), 3047-3053.

Pasquarella, V. J., Mickley, J. G., Barker Plotkin, A., MacLean, R. G., Anderson, R. M., Brown, L. M., Wagner, D. L., Singer, M. S., and Bagchi, R. (2021). Predicting defoliator abundance and defoliation measurements using Landsat-based condition scores. Remote Sensing in Ecology and Conservation.


Elkinton, J. S., Bittner, T. D., Pasquarella, V. J., Boettner, G. H., Liebhold, A. M., Gould, J. R., Faubert, H., Tewksbury, L., Broadley, H. J., Havill, N. P. and Hajek, A. E. (2019). Relating aerial deposition of Entomophaga maimaiga conidia (Zoopagomycota: Entomophthorales) to mortality of gypsy moth (Lepidoptera: Erebidae) larvae and nearby defoliation. Environmental Entomology, 48(5), 1214-1222.

Conrad-Rooney, E., Barker Plotkin, A., Pasquarella, V.J., Elkinton, J., Chandler, J.L. and Matthes, J.H. (2020). Defoliation severity is positively related to soil solution nitrogen availability and negatively related to soil nitrogen concentrations following a multi-year invasive insect irruption. AoB Plants, 12(6), p.plaa059.

Smith‐Tripp, S., Griffith, A., Pasquarella, V. J., & Matthes, J. H. Impacts of a regional multiyear insect defoliation event on growing‐season runoff ratios and instantaneous streamflow characteristics. Ecohydrology, 14(7), e2332.


Pasquarella, V. (2021). Vegetation condition monitoring using Landsat time series. USGS National Land Imagery Summit. 02 Sep. Invited lightning talk (virtual session). [Slides]

Pasquarella, V. (2021). Harmonic condition monitoring. USFS Technical Assistance Office Hours. 01 July. Invited talk (virtual session). [Slides]

Pasquarella, V., and Orwig, D. (2021). Forest Insects. 32nd Annual Harvard Forest Ecology Symposium. 17 Mar. Co-I presentation (virtual session).

Pasquarella, V. (2021) Vegetation Condition Monitoring: Gypsy moth change detection...and beyond! US Forest Service Remote Sensing Technical Working Group FY21 Meeting. 29 Jan. Invited lightning talk (virtual session). [Slides]

Pasquarella, V. (2021). Vegetation Condition Monitoring: Possibilities for providing timely alerts on changes in ecosystem condition. USGS LCMAP Science Discussion. 28 Jan. Invited talk (webinar). [Slides]

Haynes, K.J., V. Pasquarella, R. Morin, A.M. Liebhold, and N. Siegert. (2019). Combining novel remote sensing methods with FIA data to evaluate effects of drought and gypsy moth defoliation on tree mortality at landscape scales. 2019 FIA Stakeholder Science Meeting, Knoxville, Tennessee. [Slides]

Pasquarella, V. (2019) Remote sensing of forest insect invasions: New approaches for historic mapping and near-real-time monitoring of pest impacts using Landsat time series. USFS National Forest Health Monitoring Meeting. 27 Feb. Atlanta, GA. Invited presentation (webinar).

Pasquarella, V. (2018) Remote sensing of forest insect invasions: New approaches for historic mapping and near-real-time monitoring of pest impacts using Landsat time series. 13 Nov. 2018 ESA, ESC, and ESBC Joint Annual Meeting. 13 Nov. Vancouver Convention Center, Vancouver, BC. Invited talk, Special Session—The Gypsy Moth (Lymantria dispar L.) at 150: Contributions to the Development of Invasion Ecology.

Pasquarella, V. (2018) Using Landsat Time Series to Characterize Forest Insect Invasions: Case Studies from Southern New England. Adirondack Park Invasive Plant Program (APIPP) Innovations in Invasive Species Prevention, Early Detection and Management Summit. 9 Jul. Tannery Pond Community Center, North Creek, NY. Invited talk.

Pasquarella, V. (2018) Very hungry caterpillars: Forest health monitoring with GEE. 2018 Google Earth Engine User Summit. 12 Jun. Google European Head Office, Dublin, Ireland. Lightning Talk. [Recording]