Condition Monitoring Explorer

As proof of concept, we piloted the harmonic baseline monitoring workflow for select Northeastern states within USFS Region 9 and generated an annual time series of condition change assessments for 1995-2021 using a May 1 through September 30 monitoring period.

Previous releases of this app displayed results based on Landsat Collection 1 inputs. All analysis has been re-run using the Landsat Collection 2 workflow and results have been updated (2021-12-05).

To view these preliminary results, visit our Condition Monitoring Explorer App.

This app can be used to view detected changes in vegetation condition by year. You can use the slider widgets to select the map year and update change detection threshold. Mean scores greater than or less than specified threshold are displayed, with positive changes (increased Greenness) in blue tones and negative changes (decreased Greenness) in red tones. Map transparency is scaled to uncertainty in score estimates such that areas with greater variability in scores across dates/models are more transparent.

Click the map to view a time series of annual condition score estimates for the clicked point. Use the TCG button to switch to a chart of the Greeness time series. Time series plots include the mean score for each year as well as lines representing the mean plus and minus one standard deviation for a clicked point. Additional chart options allow you to view the number of observations used for monitoring, and clear the chart panel from the screen.


For access to the datasets shown in this tool and any other questions, please join our Google Group by clicking "Ask to Join Group" here.