
This project with developed with support from USDA Forest Service Forest Health Monitoring Evaluation Monitoring Program (18-CA-11420004-293), the USGS Landsat Science Team (140G118C0006), and the Harvard Forest Long Term Ecological Research (LTER) Program (NSF DEB 1832210).

Project Team:
Valerie Pasquarella (Boston University)
Kyle Haynes (University of Virginia)
Sandy Liebhold (USFS)
Randy Morin (USFS)
Nate Siegert (USFS)
Curtis Woodcock (Boston University)
Clare Rodenberg (University of Virginia)

We would like to thank Christopher Brown (Google) for assistance in implementing the current ensemble-based approach and Eric Bullock (USFS, formerly BU) for contributions to an earlier version of this workflow.

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